Saturday, October 13, 2012

Dinner tonight, and girls

Although I do talk a lot about food, and think a lot about it, it's in fits and starts. Sometimes it's really the very last thing in the world that I want to do. somehow i pulled this out of my memory. I made some baked tofu the other day, (which neither kid wanted to eat) and had carrots and soba noodles, (i'd never cooked with them before) and black sesame seeds, so that has to be worth something right? oh, and peanut butter that G doesn't like. Voila, this recipe! Our house always feels colder and lonelier when G isn't home, and food is the main way we combat that. specifically oven cooked things like muffins or whatever. but I definitely don't want to cook that much when he isn't around-I'd rather piece together foods leftover from other big motivation days when I cooked like a crazy person. Anyway, R peeled the ginger, m washed and peeled the carrots, and this went together so much faster than I could have predicted, once I committed to doing it. The people across the street and alley from us decorated their whole back yard (it's a rental, but I have met them) in light strings, and brought in tables and had themselves a wedding reception! It made me so happy to see, right here on our block! The boys are safe in bed, and we had a talk about the girl who died this week in Jeffco. What a truly tragic story, that is unexplainable--to anyone--and impossible to understand. My heart goes out to that family,and the the family in Pakistan for her daughter too. To be shot in the head for wanting an education, or killed for walking to school? what kind of hell is this world we call home, that I sometimes call heaven. As Ani says, life is sacred, it is also profane. -s

1 comment:

megan said...

I'm so sorry it has taken me 2 months to visit your blog. When I visit my blog, I visit yours, so you know how much I'm writing...At any rate, a beautiful picture you weave in this post. I'm sure you'd love to be in your kitchen right now, G or no G. LOVE YOU!!!