That's when I am posting this quarter. I just finished my final quarter at DU. Now all that's left is the shouting. (in the form of a written exam, anyway) It is typed on computers, and we're so high tech, that we'll be putting our final exams onto good old three inch floppies.
Enough about that, it's over, and the day after I turned in my last paper, Rowan had his first day of soccer practice. In our house, this is a major event. We were all tense. Partially because a short week or two before, the organizers called us and asked if we or anyone we knew would be able to coach the team. (!)
This set off a good number of alarm bells in George from the soccer perspective, and me from the teaching perspective. We fretted. Rowan fretted about what would happen, what to wear, how he didn't know anyone. It was a pretty big deal.
Then we showed up, and Miguel, the godfather of one of the kids on the team, was just perfect. Just five kids, a bunch of siblings running around. No stress, a sunny warmish day, and the boys, kicking around soccer balls, just like they do in the yard. They did some cute little runs around, and a few things, and I approved of the teaching, and George approved of the soccer, and Rowan loved every minute. Even running over to us and getting a drink from the water bottle.
Phew. Heaven help us all!
I've been on pins and needles about that, about if I would get called for a substitute position i applied for in Jefferson County Public Libraries, and about the comprehensive exam... and of course, the biggest source of my nail biting and obsessive journaling (not good reading i can tell you that.)Is where the boys will be next year.
Still don't know that, still haven't taken comps, do know that I messed up the online application so no chance on the job,[thank goodness for lessons like this] and in a short time, It'll ALL be resolved.
George is schlepping back and forth to Portland, and I think he's getting weary. It's hard for us to have him gone, and hard for him to be gone so much. But after the great soccer practice for Rowan, George got to ride bikes with us downtown to Steele a Deal (our last of those) and to get a glimpse of the St. Pattys parade. Then an afternoon of climbing, and some great meals with the family. We got a weekend to refill our family love cup, after too long of all of us dragging with some kind of a cold, and the ugliness and cold of February.
Here we are now with the time change, and the computers even were rid of their viruses... We made it to almost-spring! That's all we need, even if it snows, we know the show is the birds singing and the grass greening show, not the big frigid winter show.
We're in the sad food months, with the winter share ended and the summer share three long months away. It's grim in the fridge and on the table except when I pull out the stuff from the freezer. Or the jars... still good on tomatoes and delicious jam. My favorite foods? Bread butter and jam. Close your eyes, remember what it looked like before you cut it or mashed it into heaven in a jar. This year I did AWESOME... with Pomona's Pectin as my best friend, and Raspberries from Berry patch farm, Strawberries from Monroes, grapes from Rebecca's neighbor, and peaches from the First Fruits. YUM. yum. yummmmm.
You see Rowan in his new game digs, complete with real cleats and his very own uniform. And Milo with his new ball (which he went to sleep with tonight) these kids are hilarious. I hope you are seeing the spring light at the end of the winter tunnel. Wish us luck on the lottery we want to win (for school) and of course, mental power to study for the next two weeks for comps before i sit down and do the shouting.
1 comment:
For goodness' sakes, don't you have something IMPORTANT to post?! (I mean that in the best way; all of the above and below is important, but we're waiting for some NEWS!!)
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