Rowan turned Three! Three short years ago our lives were permanently altered and we became lucky parents to a wiley sharp chatty lovely sweet rascally little boy. We love him beyond recognition and thank our lucky stars for this boy shining light on our path. Here he is working at the sink.
Here is my Milo boy, in all his nine month glory, crawling pulling up and really only protesting when he is hungry.
My friends Jade and Lyle need you to send her love and hope for her little girl. I haven't posted about her, but I think about her all the time. She's getting ready to have a large operation in Minnesota and we need to rally the forces and shower her with all the good we can. She's got a rough go of it, and her parents too.
This struck me today like a lightning bolt when I read it: from "dalai mama" a regular feature in Wondertime Magazine. It is a surprisingly good publication most of the time. I have my beefs, but if you know me, you know I always have my beefs. Anyway.
She's writing about her daughter being sick, again. "I try to remember that there are parents everywhere, wheeling and dealing with God over their children's lives, for whom a garden-variety virus would be something like a gift."(WT, May 2008)
My friends are these parents.
The other line that comes to mind is from Tim O'brien, who sang, in There Ain't No Easy Way "I prayed to the father to the moon and the sun, I prayed to anyone or anything that could get the job done."
And we do too, for them.
Great entry, Sarah! Happy Birthday to Rowan and joy to little Milo. And your words for Jade's family were so touching. Hugs!
That Rowan and MIlo are most precious. The photos are too great, and you got a pair of wonderful boys. And they have a pair of wonderful parents.
Your quotes are perfect. Here in the RMH world, it's all about life and death. No one sweats the small stuff. It's easy to forget that there are normal families who don't deal with life and death every day (or at least they don't realize it like these families), and we used to be one of them at some time. Here it is about battling for life. Life to the fullest. Thanks for your constant thoughts. It means more than you know.
Jade and family
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