Sunday, November 9, 2008

MP's letter to the pres-elect

Hey, during my research, I found this absolutely incredible letter to the president elect. it's from the week of October 12, and addresses my deepest hopes for this country. I opened a new post about two weeks ago to post it, and had to cancel it because I didn't have time to actually write anything. Then, I saw it posted on one of the blogs I follow. How cool is that?
Here it is.
Written by Michael Pollan, it's a weighty 6000 words or so, and worth every minute it takes to read it.
I guess I can start getting the NYT again, now that Bush is going away. The news just got too sad for me, and I quit, but maybe I'll be able to read about what's happening. I tried last Sunday and this to get the paper, and it turned into the NYT Quest, which was repeated this weekend... so I'm getting it delivered.
My friend Stephanie told me that her dad had to set his alarm to get up and get his paper in the morning, because if he didn't-- his NEIGHBORS stole it!!!! and the time is getting earlier. now it's 20 to seven if I remember correctly. In any case, neighbors of mine-please don't steal my Sunday NYT... once I start getting it!!!
Only two more classes, and then I get the big break of the year, til the first of the year. I have enough projects planned for the next month to fill a good season, so we'll see what actually transpires.
I can't believe how much better I'm sleeping since Tuesday. Despite my children! :D

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