Monday, March 3, 2008

The Business of Being Born

This documentary is worth watching more than one time. Please see it if anyone in your life is thinking about having a baby. The trailer is powerful, the link is on my sidebar. Don't think that you aren't interested, it's compelling and a different way to see something for our culture.

I had two babies at home, and although most people I know know this, almost none have ever asked me why or what it was like. This video does a good job of describing my discovery process, the things I learned while researching birth in the US and portraying the utter beauty and bliss that accompanied the births of our two boys. I was transformed as a person because of my birth experiences, and they permanently altered the way I view myself. I got to visit other worlds on my way to bringing these babies here, what a gift.

Order it on netflix and watch it with someone you love, it is so lovely.

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