Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Political process

Had a great experience tonight at our local Caucus. I am a relatively literate person (and still amazingly clueless about many things) yet I had no idea what you actually did at a caucus. It was a ruckus event at our local place, wow, so many many people and such a useful way to see that you are a person living with other persons, doing something together. I saw at least ten neighbors, and Milo attended his first political event. We spent an hour looking for Cabot in our neighborhood prior to me going and that was stressful. He was having a blast in the park, with no collar on of course--because he shakes and wakes the baby up from his precious little sleep. (uh oh, that again)
George and I are no longer really adults, we're more like badly trained warriors trying to survive another night. We don't even really get to talk to each other any more, he or I head go to bed by 8:30 each in a separate room, and try and get as much sleep before all hell breaks loose and our baby brings us to our knees begging him to just sleep. For those of you who have children who sleep/slept all night long, I think we are having a different experience of parenting. I'm being a fool and am up at ten to ten. I will pay big for this judgement call. I will have even less shut-eye.

We need a babysitter, anyone got one who they love with a flexible schedule in NWDenver? I did have three hours on wed. where both boys were being watched. That didn't work out, so now I'm back on craigslist, scouring the posts, looking for someone to help.

Putting on my riot gear and going to bed. I wish it was already tomorrow morning.

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