Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bossy me

Okay, I couldn't watch/listen to the whole thing, but I regretted it immediately and went to their site where you can watch the whole thing. And what do you know? they have their very own myspace page!!! type in and you get sent to mySpace! (but you don't have to join or have an account)
You can also compare your beliefs about massive complex topics packaged in less than 15 words with those of the candidates. And there's video of all the debates. Even the Say it ain't so Joe one.
Anyway, I did survive the last debate and now can we please just have a new president? Please? Since we're huddled up with NPR often, you know, like every day, I did the deed. In the midst of the plunging economy and the normal bills, I gave some money to Colorado Public Radio, since after all-- they're telling me what's happening. I now have a clear conscience.
Now go give to public radio, you know it's your turn.
And then go to the damn library and check out how cool that place is.
And THEN visit your local farmer's market this weekend before it ends for the season.
I'll stop telling you what to do now. But really, are any of those things terrible? I think not.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

may I state for the record

That John McCain is not my friend. I am not his friend.
Thank you.
The misery of the debates may continue.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My dear sweet boys

I only have a one and three year old, but I can already see it coming down the pike. Through my tears that is. This woman is such a great writer, (the Dalai Mama) and I went to Wondertime online to complain about the HFCS and couldn't find a contact email...(does that seem crazy to you? oh, and by the way, it's owned by Disney, which explains why there are a minimum of 20-25 pages of Disney ads in every issue--and why they have the money to put out the very cool things they do in this mag.)
Like HER! what a great writer. If someday I can capture a feeling like she did in this entry, well, then i'll be damn proud.

Tonight I actually took notes when Rowan was talking, and I wanted to remember what he said. He is just as fascinating as every other child to their mother, but I cannot for the life of me reproduce almost anything cool that he says or does, unless I write it down the very moment it comes out.
One of his sayings that I love is this: "Did you never do that?" or "Did you never see that before?"

Today we had meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner. How typical is that of american fare?! Damn it was good too.
But this conversation happened before dinner. And since I just went through the ritual of pulling out the clothes that Milo and Rowan have outgrown, and put in all the new ones (more on this later), Milo was wearing a little pair of training underpants that I had for Rowan at this age.

We had the green beans to snap, and Rowan loves doing it, and is VERY good at it too! But now Milo wants to pretty much anything Rowan does, so I had him perched up there on the edge of the chair (yes the little one) while Rowan did sort of a balancing dance move up there too, leaning on the counter. (yes, I was standing behind him so that he wouldn't fall three feet) and we were snapping the green beans to freeze or cook in something. Rowan is half singing a little mini haiku. "Bean juice, splashing in my face" and I know exactly what he's saying, as they snap, the mist of these delicious beans is hitting him in the face! So I listen, but pretend to not hear (otherwise he stops doing whatever I love) and then the verse changes to "grape juice, splashing in my face" to "Ice cream, splashing in my face."
Milo has a green bean in his mouth, and is organizing everything. He is awesome at moving the laundry, imitating any motion that I make while talking, and doing almost any nasty thing that Rowan does to him BACK at him! He's been thwacking Rowan on the head, and hitting, poking and generally letting him know that the field is getting more even, as we speak!
They are awesome together, a lot. They play, are happy, and peaceful most of the time, thank the parenting godesses and gods out there for that.
And of course, I feel extra attentive and sentimental because George and I got a whole night off, got a group tango lesson and a little party, and to sleep in... by our selves!! My parents watched the boys, and they rewarded them with sleeping all night (an almost unrepeated event when I am near) and then waking promptly at six to torture my parents who were trying/hoping that they might get a couple more minutes of shuteye with them all snuggled in the bed. (ha. ha.)
Add the fact that I am neglecting my homework, and you have me, feeling lovey and thrilled to be the mom of these two lovelies. I'm sure it's also because they're sleeping. ! :) But some of that is because you can actually think about them, without continually attending to them when they are motionless and adorable in bed.