Wednesday, January 23, 2008

You know I am in library school, so I must share things like this. (As G says, "You are such a geek!"

Anyone need help finding information? You wouldn't believe all the new tools I have to find what you're looking for. Just look what getting edjimacated'll do fer ya.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Pizza night

Pizza night around here! This week we are getting the groove and I have to say that all things we have scheduled are valuable! I've actually got babysitting help with Milo, and Rowan has two fun days at preschool and at a Parents Day Out program in the hood.

We even somehow managed to gather our book club and all the kiddos this week and went to Ali Baba for falafel and hummus. Yum.

Now all I have to do is pretend like I can write a big fat paper and I think I'll be fine this quarter at school.

Friday, January 11, 2008

very scheduled

FINALLY, Milo fell asleep and I have about ten minutes before I wake Rowan up (i know it's a crime) so that we won't be battling him at 10 pm tonight. Sort of a mini nap. We woke delerious today, after a miserable interlude in the middle of the night with Milo screaming as a soundtrack. Blech. And then we were up, our brand new babysitter coming for the first time so that I could be in Rowan's preschool without imposing on all of our friends and neighbors to watch Milo.
And then we went and paid the bill at DU, which I tried to do before class on Tuesday but to my chagrin the checkbook was in another bag. Argh. So there I tromp in with Milo in the carrier and Rowan dawdling along to do that, and return some of the books I borrowed from the library. I confess, I am one of those people who checks out all the titles on the subject at one time. I have to see what they all look like, but then I was good, and returned some. The woman sitting next to me in class said that I'm the reason some libraries limit the amount of books you can borrow from a single area! I felt guilty, but did it anyway... but then I returned them quickly.

Then off we were to the farm to pick up milk... and I saw the coolest thing... modern butter churning. How? you ask. A blender, I say. Yes, real butter being made from real cream with no sweat involved... and now I have real buttermilk!!! the leftovers from that process.

So I think i'll make some buttermilk pancakes tomorrow morning or muffins or something tasty. Milo started sitting on Wednesday. He's pretty good for just starting, even moving his head around to watch and not toppling over. He also got mobile, must have had some kind of a growth jump because now he spins around and pushes himself backwards and is trying to get up on hands and knees. I can see the future, and it looks very scary folks.

Rowan is now role playing for extended periods of time too, directing us to stay in our roles and refusing to answer us if we don't call him his "name". We met so many kids this week, and he's a little surly now and then, but overall amazingly okay with it. I have now rounded up a cadre of folks to help me study, tho no studying has really happened yet! I'm hoping that next week will be good for that. He ripped the cover off of George's Climbing magazine a couple of nights ago, and we were shocked. G incredulously asked why he did it, and DR opened up the bifolded picture of an ice climbing scene and said, "I want to see this when I'm sleeping."

He has a poster of Major League soccer hilights and one from the National Geographic that he got in his stocking taped near his bed, so why not ice climbing too. I, as mother, shake in my boots at what this child will be doing when he has his choice.

School is going to be very interesting this semester. I am really interested in many things library of course, being in library school. But what I am most interested in is who uses the library and who doesn't. I am not sure that library school is going to answer that, but maybe i'll get a good idea over time. well... maybe it's not what i'm MOST interested in, but I would like to know more about what brings people to the library and how they decide to go there. I found a book in the stacks called Library as Place, and will prob read it in my abundant free time. ha.

We have now become those people who are very scheduled. It happened innocently enough with my need for time, me being in school, and george working and making time for fun things, and me looking for the same for the boys. So pretty much five of five weekdays (and nights) we have something scheduled, partially because my classes are on two days. *sigh*

We always have pizza night on Fridays though, and can count on that. And hopefully our skiing will be up and going starting this weekend.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy NEW YEARS!!!

My mom said it doesn't show how/where to do comments, so I tried it out. You just click on the "0 comments" and it opens a little window for you to write in. Also, apparently the slideshow doesn't open bigger for everyone...? try clicking on it and it should go to picasa and open it larger. let me know if it doesn't.

Anyone out there doing the Inner Christmas emails? I have really enjoyed them, getting some direction and focus when thinking about the last year, and the coming year. It's reflective and spiritual, but not pedantic. check it out for next year, I will definitely do it again. Plus she sends an email a day for 12 days, I like that too.

I think that may be one of my favorite things about the holiday time, getting great mail in the mailbox. What a treat to open it up and get fun pictures and letters. Thank you to all of you who did that. I promise, ours is in the works. i've got the pieces, it just needs to go together.